*A Note from the the webmaster*
After years of wasting my time with nothingness (actually alot of junk like soccer, basketball, softball, NHS, class secretary, VP of Drama Club, chairman of JR/Sr. Prom Committee, etc.) I discovered a sport that brought new meaning to my life. COLORGUARD!!! Now I was late getting started but when the captains came up to me at the end of my freshmen year and asked me to try out I thought "sure, why not??" So I went to the first instruction session before try-outs and started learning from my great friend Sarah. Well turns out I was a natural and before long I was on guard and moving up in the ranks. Well Senior year came and co-captain I was with Sarah and we wrote our work like pros. With years of winning best colorguard and best bandfront and such, in festivals around the country and parades around the region I thoroughly enjoyed my years in East Windsor's Marching Band (EW, CT) as a member of the gaurd. I went off to college at Elon College in North Carolina where there was no marching band and was a little disappointed. It looked like my guard career was over. Well it turns out with the construction of a new football stadium and the new name of Elon University, a brand new band was formed, "The Fire of the Carolinas." So I'm a charter member of the guard at school and hopefully I'll leading the way again with some position but either way I'm just glad to be back in the sport. CKA!!!!