I love Alpha Sigma Alpha!!! No really I do.
Here are a few quotes about my sorority and Sisterhood...
Check out my 2000 pics page for pictures of me and my sorority sisters!
Click here to see the chapter website that I'm webmaster of.
You are a member of a strong sorority,
one that ranks with the best in the country.
Live it.
Talk it.
Dream it.
Work for it!
In no other way can you so effectively
convince others of its beauty,
its greatness and its power."
--The Phoenix, 1916
People ask
I am in a sorority
and I try to explain all the
things a sorority is
that they cannot see.
A sorority is more than
on a sweatshirt, I say.
More than traditional songs,
a golden pin, rituals,
an obligation, or
a way of life.
A sorority is learning
about people,
A sorority is giving
without expecting a return.
A sorority is earning
respect from others,
as well as for yourself.
A sorority will not solve
all your problems.
But I have made good friends
and found confidence there,
to help me take life
one step
at a time.
From the precious moments when we were pearls,
To the sisters that we are now.
For every first and last there is,
To every secret that we have told.
Whenever there is a need for a shoulder to cry on or an open ear,
We are always somewhere near.
For all the tears that fall from our eyes,
To the laughter we will forever share.
From the little fights we have,
To the bigger wars that happen.
With every memory good or bad,
It will always be us sisters.
For every feeling named above,
Only between sisters can it be shared.
No matter what, no matter where,
I will always be there for my sisters.
(Sisters last forever)--Kristina Davis (Epsilon Theta Alumnae)